Lo que ustedes denominarían “RECUBRIMIENTO DE LA ESTRUCTURA” es calificado por nosotros con el nombre o fonema intraducible XOODI NAA Seguramente el vocablo español más idóneo para asociarlo a este concepto sería “membrana” Pero este término puede sugerir unas propiedades puramente estáticas: de protección: de barrera: cuando en realidad como usted mismos señor ??????????? What you would call a "COATING STRUCTURE" is qualified by us with the name or phoneme XOODI NAA untranslatable Spanish Surely the most appropriate word to associate with this concept would be "membrane" But this term may suggest a purely static properties: protection: Barrier when you really like them sir ??????????? podrá comprobar, goza de unas características funcionales dinámicas muy complejas. will see, has a very complex dynamic functional characteristics.
Esta “MEMBRANA” posee unas propiedades de resistencia estructural, muy características puesto que gracias al UYOOALADAA puede modificar sus coeficientes de elasticidad y rigidez mecánica dentro de un amplio margen de valores (UYOOALADAA = RED VASCULAR POR CUYOS CONDUCTOS FLUYE UNA ALEACIÓN LICUABLE: Vea IMAGEN 11 (58) Vea también ( NOTA 15 ) del APÉNDICE. This "membrane" has properties of structural strength, very characteristic UYOOALADAA by dint of their coefficients may change elasticity and mechanical stiffness within a wide range of values (UYOOALADAA = RED VASCULAR CONDUITS FLOWING BY WHICH AN ALLOY liquefiable: See Image 11 (58) See also (NOTE 15) in APPENDIX.
Estos coeficientes elásticos pueden ser modificados en cada instante en función de los múltiples parámetros dependientes del medio y del desarrollo del vuelo, La XOODI NAA ha de soportar también elevadas temperaturas debido a la elevada fricción a que puede ser sometido en su paso por atmósferas de distinta composición química y condiciones térmicas variadas. These elastic coefficients can be changed at any moment depending on the multiple media-dependent parameters and development of flight, The XOODI NAA also has to withstand high temperatures due to high friction which can undergo on their way through different atmospheres chemical composition and temperature conditions varied. Puede también resistir la abrasión continua del polvo cósmico y los impactos esporádicos de un amplio espectro gravimétrico de MICRO COSMOLITOS (Meteoritos). You can also withstand continuous abrasion of the cosmic dust and impacts a wide spectrum sporadic MICRO gravimetric Cosmolite (Meteorites). Además contiene en su seno como le describiré a continuación una rica multiplicidad de órganos sensitivos (TRANSDUCTORES como dirían sus hermanos ingenieros) conectados con el XAANMOO AYUBAA central. It also contains within it as you describe then a rich variety of sensory organs (as would his brothers TRANSDUCERS engineers) connected to the central XAANMOO AYUBAA.
Pero sobre todo, está proyectado para que soporte las elevadas tensiones dinámicas que experimenta durante el vuelo. But above all, is designed to withstand the high dynamic stresses experienced during flight. No olvidemos que a lo largo de su trayectoria, los efectos de resonancia dinámica para determinadas frecuencias pueden provocar serios trastornos en los complejos órganos integrados en el XOODI NAA (MEMBRANA) hasta el punto de que en ocasiones es necesario generar oscilaciones en desfase con las perturbadoras, para compensarlas. Do not forget that throughout his career, dynamic resonance effects for certain frequencies can cause serious disruptions in the body within the complex XOODI NAA (Membrane) to the point that sometimes it is necessary to generate oscillations in phase with the disturbing , to compensate.
Con las debidas reservas y advirtiendo previamente que deliberadamente omito la alusión y el dibujo de ciertos dispositivos o sistemas, e incluso uno de los componentes básicos del XOODI NAA, voy a describirle someramente, dentro de un plano de divulgación técnica superficial, una sección de la XOODI NAA, La IMAGEN 11 dibujada con lápices cromáticos representa una ampliación inarmónica de la MEMBRANA. With all due reservations and advance warning that deliberately omit the reference and the design of certain devices or systems, and even one of the basic components of XOODI NAA, I will describe briefly, in a superficial level technical extension, a section of the XOODI NAA, Figure 11 drawn with color pencils inharmonious represents an expansion of the membrane. Por razones didácticas no he respetado en absoluto las proporciones reales de los dispositivos integrados en ella, de modo que algunos componentes han sido dibujados a una escala superior, no guardando en absoluto fidelidad a las relaciones dimensionales genuinas. For didactic reasons I have not respected at all by the actual proportions of the devices integrated in it, so that some components have been drawn to a higher level, not saving at all faithful to the dimensional relationships genuine. En una palabra el esquema es más real desde el punto de vista topológico que el dimensional. In short, the scheme is more realistic from the standpoint of the dimensional topology.
Le advierto también que la muestra representada corresponde a la DUUI (CORONA) IMAGEN 1 (3). I warn you also that the sample represented corresponds to the DUUI (CORONA) IMAGE 1 (3).
Otras áreas de la CUBIERTA o MEMBRANA de la UEWA (NAVE) difieren en cierto grado, tanto por la densidad superficial de los componentes distribuidos como por la funcionalidad de estos. Other areas of the deck or membrane UEWA (NAVE) differ to some extent, both the surface density of the components distributed as per the functionality of these.
La configuración de la XOODINAA presenta unas características que usted podría denominar “MODULARES” Los distintos órganos o dispositivos detectores integrados en un entorno espacial, definido, se repiten en zonas adyacentes de igual magnitud, sufriendo como le decía más arriba, modificaciones paulatinas cada vez más acentuadas en las áreas distintas de la UEWA. The configuration of the XOODINAA presents some features you might call "modular" The various bodies or integrated sensing devices in a space environment, as defined, are repeated in adjacent areas of equal magnitude, suffering as I said above, more and more gradual changes pronounced in different areas of UEWA. Los problemas de orden Topológico que surgieron al planificar la distribución y adaptación de esa amplia gama de elementos algunos de los cuales no ocupan volúmenes superiores a 0,07 mm 3 (a su vez compuestos por microdispositivos fabricados a escala que podríamos llamar celular) han sido inimaginables para ustedes, puesto que tuvieron que armonizarse tanto la funcionalidad de los componentes como la recuperabilidad en caso de deterioro, con la economía espacial y la acción perturbadora y destructora de los agentes Físico-químicos del medio. Topological order problems that arose in planning the distribution and adaptation of such a broad range of items some of which do not occupy volumes greater than 0.07 mm 3 (in turn composed of microdevices manufactured cellular level might be called) have been unimaginable to you, since they had to harmonize both the functionality of components and recoverability in case of damage to the space economy and disruptive and destructive action of the agents Physical-chemical means. ( Yo invito a los Matemáticos de la Tierra a que se vayan especializando en dos ramas de esta ciencia que tendrá para ustedes una importancia vital en el futuro. TOPOLOGÍA y la llamada por ustedes INVESTIGACIÓN OPERATIVA y dentro de ella TEORÍA DE GRAFOS .) (I invite all mathematicians to Earth to be a specialist in two branches of this science to be vitally important for you in the future. Topology and call you OPERATIONS RESEARCH and within graph theory.)
Por último le informaré que en el GRÁFICO IMAGEN 11 los órganos se han representado como si en toda la sección solo hubiera una sola UNIDAD. Finally I will inform you that the graphic image 11 bodies have been represented as if the whole section was only one single unit. En realidad la densidad de distribución es variada en cada caso para una unidad de volumen seccionada. In reality the distribution density is varied in each case for a unit volume sectioned.
IMAGEN 11 Image 11
(31) UOXOODINAA Es un recubrimiento poroso de composición cerámica de elevado punto de fusión (7260,64 º C Terrestres) su poder emisivo externo es también elevado y su conductividad térmica muy baja (2,07113 · 10 -6 Cal / (Cm) (s) ( ºC) Para la XOODINAA es muy importante que la ablación se mantenga dentro de un margen de tolerancia muy amplio. Para ello se utiliza un sistema de enfriamiento por (31) UOXOODINAA coating is a porous ceramic composition of high melting point (7260.64 º C Earth) its external emissivity is also high and very low thermal conductivity (2.07113 · 10 -6 cal / (Cm) (s) (º C) For XOODINAA is very important that ablation is maintained within a very wide margin of tolerance. It uses a cooling system for transpiración, base de Litio licuado. perspiration liquid lithium base. VEA (35) Pese a que las tensiones internas de tipo mecánico que ha de sufrir la MEMBRANA, son elevadas, esta no se agrieta fácilmente. SEE (35) Despite internal tensions of mechanical it has to undergo the membrane, are high, this does not crack easily. Las fracturas y fisuras esporádicas pueden ser no obstante autorreparadas. Fractures and fissures can nevertheless sporadic repair itself. (VEA NOTA 7 ( Nota UC: Las diversas notas de este informe están referenciadas varias veces en el texto y además algunas notas remiten a otras que pueden haber sido ya leídas. Para facilitar la navegación sin perderse, hemos habilitado varios caminos de lectura. Recuerde que para volver aquí, después de haber leído las varias notas anidadas, debe utilizar el retorno: “ Volver - Camino-1 ”) ). (SEE NOTE 7 (UC Note: The various notes of this report are referenced several times in the text and also some notes refer to others who may have already been read. To help you navigate without being lost, we enabled several paths of reading. Remember that to return here after reading the various nested notes, you would use the return: "Back - Path-1")).
La UOXOODINAA está provista de una fina capa de platino coloidal situada a 0,006 ENMOO de la superficie externa. The UOXOODINAA is provided with a thin layer of colloidal platinum to 0.006 ENMOO located on the outer surface. La función de esta película metálica está relacionada con un sistema de protección contra la abrasión del polvo cósmico (VEA NOTA 19 ( Nota UC: Para volver aquí, utilice: “ Volver-Camino-2 ”) ). The function of this metal film is related to a system of protection against abrasion of the cosmic dust (SEE NOTE 19 (UC Note: To return here, use "Back-Path-2")).
(32) IASXOODINAA Está formada por un material muy elástico y de conductividad térmica y eléctrica muy bajas. (32) IASXOODINA A is formed by a very elastic material and electrical and thermal conductivity very low. En su seno se ubican unas cápsulas (50) Within it lie capsules (50) (YAAEDINNOO) conteniendo una dosis del mismo material denominado UYOOXIGEE (PRODUCTO CERAMICO) que forma la corteza externa ya citada (UOXOODINAA (31) ) De cada una de estas cápsulas parte una red de tubos casi capilares y una serie de canales de información (ULNII vea Nota 3 ( Nota UC: Esta nota ya habrá sido leída al seguir el “Camino-1”. Si quiere volver a verla, vuelva aquí con: “ Volver-Camino-3 ”) ) que las conecta con el YAEDINOO hasta una serie de UAXOO (DETECTORES) situados en la masa de la primera capa (31). (YAAEDINNOO) containing a dose of the same material called UYOOXIGEE (Ceramics) that forms the outer crust and above (UOXOODINAA (31)) from each of these capsules through a network of almost capillary tubes and a series of information channels (ULNII see Note 3 (UC Note: This note will have been read to follow the "Road-1". If you want to see her again here: "Back-Path-3")) that connects to a series YAEDINOO up of UAXOO (DETECTORS) located in the mass of the first layer (31).
Cuando esta se agrieta o aparecen microfisuras o es perforada por el impacto de pequeños meteoritos, estos detectores son excitados, activando al YAEDINOO. When such cracks or microcracks occur or is perforated by the impact of small meteorites, these detectors are excited by activating the YAEDINOO. El producto cerámico es fundido hasta una temperatura de 7655,8 º C. The ceramic product is melted to a temperature of 7655.8 ° C. y es conducido fluyendo por la red vascular, hasta la grieta correspondiente, soldándola o rellenando la cavidad de la perforación. and is driven to flow through the vascular network, corresponding to the crack, filling the cavity welding or drilling. Cada cápsula del sistema protege un área reducida situada por encima en la citada corteza cerámica, aunque las conexiones vasculares compensan las pérdidas del producto que haya podido utilizarse tras una emergencia. Each capsule system protects a small area overlying crust in that pottery, but vascular connections compensate for the loss of product that has been used after an emergency.
(33) IENXOODINAA Se trata de una capa o submembrana cristalizada con bióxido de silicio y Modulada en forma de mosaico hexagonal. (33) IENXOODINA A is a layer or submembrana crystallized with silicon dioxide and in form of hexagonal mosaic.
(34) IEVOOXOODINNAA Constituye el estrato o corteza más interna de la XOODINNAA. (34) IEVOOXOODI NNAA constitutes the innermost layer or crust of XOODINNAA. Es también la de mayor espesor. It is also thicker. Su constitución es compleja pero su componente principal es una aleación cuyos elementos básicos son los que ustedes denominan Culombio, (Niobio) y Tungsteno (Wolframio). Its constitution is complex but its main component is an alloy whose basic elements are what you call Coulomb, (Niobium) and Tungsten (Tungsten).
(35) Se trata de unos refrigeradores sensitivos integrados en el IEVOXODINAA. (35) This is a built-in refrigerators IEVOXODINAA sensitive. Un conducto emerge hasta el UOXODINAA. A pipeline to UOXODINAA emerge. En la imagen puede apreciarse una corona flotante en la masa cerámica de aquella capa que detecta sus gradientes térmicos, activando la emisión de isótopo de Litio cuando la temperatura llega a cierto nivel. The image can be seen floating in the crown of that layer ceramic body that detects thermal gradients, activating the emission of lithium isotopes when the temperature reaches a certain level. Entonces este fluye al exterior, vaporizándose al absorber el calor. Then this flows out, vaporized by absorbing heat.
En algunas zonas de la UEWA se sustituye el Litio por Cesio. In some areas of the UEWA be replaced by Lithium Cesium. Estos elementos son posteriormente repuestos a través de una red vascular, fluyendo el Litio a una temperatura de 318,622 º C. These elements are then spare parts through a vascular network, flowing lithium at a temperature of 318.622 ° C.
(36) a (49) UAXOO (DETECTORES O RECEPTORES) En toda la superficie de la XOODINAA se distribuyen una serie extensa de UAXOO. (36) to (49) UAXOO (DETECTORS OR RECEIVING) Throughout the area of distributed XOODINAA an extensive series of UAXOO.
Son estos unos órganos detectores o sensores activados por diversos estímulos de naturaleza: Física, Química o Biológica, (Por ejemplo: Frecuencias electromagnéticas, Tensiones elásticas, Campos magnéticos y gravitatorios, gradientes electrostáticos, Presiones estáticas y Dinámicas, presencia molecular de gases, existencia de mohos y virus etc.). Are these some organs detectors or sensors activated by various stimuli on Nature: Physics, Chemistry or Biological (For example, electromagnetic frequencies, elastic strain, magnetic and gravitational fields, gradients, electrostatic, static and dynamic pressures, molecular gas presence, existence of fungi and viruses etc.).. Son como dirían los Técnicos en Electrónica e Ingeniería de Sistemas terrestres, Transductores susceptibles de transformar la función energética excitatriz, en una función equivalente, de naturaleza: “Óptica, Gravitatoria o resonante Nuclear” Technicians are as they say in Electronics and Systems Engineering terrestrial, transducers capable of transforming the energy function exciter, in an equivalent function in nature: "Optical, gravitational and nuclear resonant" (VEA NOTA 3 del APENDICE). ( Nota UC: Esta nota ya ha sido referenciada. Si desea volverla a ver, puede volver luego aquí con: “Volver-Camino-4”) También ustedes, como sabe bien, utilizan transductores cuya característica común es la transformación de los estímulos en funciones de naturaleza eléctrica, pero en nuestro caso, los especialistas tuvieron que enfrentarse simultáneamente con cinco órdenes de problemas que fuesen compatibles en cuanto a soluciones se refiere. (SEE NOTE 3 in Appendix). (UC Note: This note has already been referenced. If you want to see, then you can return here with "Back-Pack-4") Also you, as you know well, using transducers whose characteristic common is the transformation of stimuli acting electrical in nature, but in our case, the experts had to deal simultaneously with five types of problems they were compatible in terms of solutions.
FIABILIDAD de la RESPUESTA de modo que la Función de salida resulte una imagen fiel de la función estímulo. RESPONSE RELIABILITY so that the resulting output function a true picture of the stimulus function.
LATITUD TERMICA Las temperaturas de la que ustedes denominan capa límite pueden alcanzar elevados picos para altos niveles de velocidad en el seno de un fluido gaseoso correspondiente a ciertas atmósferas de distintos OYAA (PLANETAS) Aunque como le diremos después, la NAVE dispone de Sistemas capaces de controlar el entorno gaseoso y por otra parte, la refrigeración por transpiración del cesio (ablación) limita el valor de la temperatura en la corteza exterior cerámica, los inevitables gradientes térmicos, alteran la fidelidad transductora puesto que se incrementa sensiblemente lo que ustedes denominan “relación SEÑAL/RUIDO”. THERMAL LATITUDE temperatures that you call the boundary layer can reach high peaks to high speed within a gaseous fluid for certain atmospheres of different OYAA (PLANETS) Although as you say afterward, the ship has systems capable of control the gaseous environment on the other hand, the transpiration cooling of cesium (ablation) limits the value of the temperature in the outer ceramic thermal gradients inevitable alter fidelity transducer increases significantly as what you call "relationship Signal to Noise ". Aparentemente no puede lucharse contra este fatal obstáculo, por muy avanzadas que sean las técnicas proyectadas. Apparently you can not fight this fatal obstacle, very advanced techniques are planned. Es precisamente por esa razón que los UAXOO se distribuyen en gran densidad por toda el área de la UEWA, es decir: Por zonas afectadas de distinta manera por esos gradientes. It is precisely for this reason that in UAXOO densely distributed throughout the area of UEWA, ie: For areas affected differently by these gradients. Los XAANMOO (COMPUTADORES) pueden así comparar las respuestas de varios transductores afectados por el mismo estímulo pero perturbados de distinta manera por funciones térmicas de tiempo y otros agentes físicos extorsionadores: Obteniendo tras la discriminación correspondiente una pureza en la Función examinada que resultaría imposible obtener de otro modo. The XAANMOO (COMPUTER) can then compare the responses of multiple transducers affected by the same stimulus but differently disturbed by thermal time functions and other physical agents extortionists: Getting behind the corresponding pure discrimination in the Browse function to be impossible to obtain otherwise.
TENSIONES MECANICAS No olvide que tales componentes están embutidos en el seno de una Membrana que sufre elevadas Tensiones dinámicas debidas a los distintos esfuerzos mecánicos que la Astronave experimenta durante el vuelo. Remember that mechanical stress such components are embedded within a membrane undergoes high dynamic stresses due to different mechanical forces that the spacecraft experienced during flight. Pese a las barreras de amortiguación, estos órganos soportan Torsiones, alargamientos y compresiones que podrían modificar su funcionalidad. Despite the barriers of cushioning, support these organs Twists, elongations and compressions that could modify its functionality. Por ello todos van provistos de compensadores reactivos que estabilizan la respuesta. Therefore all reagents are fitted with compensators that stabilize the response.
SUSCEPTIBILIDAD A LAS RADIACIONES PENETRANTES Aunque no todos los UAXOO sufren en su funcionalidad en presencia de estos agentes físicos y aunque rara vez los UAXOO pueden verse sometidos a energías radiantes superiores a los 4 · 10 3 / electrón-Voltio (La Astronave suele sortear las zonas peligrosas cambiando de marco tridimensional) el diseño de ciertos transductores responde al peligro de activación, tanto más en cuenta cuanto que la energía transferida a las moléculas de la estructura, es acumulada momentáneamente, para ser proyectada después en forma de calor, provocando peligrosos gradientes térmicos que dañarían tanto el sistema, como la fidelidad de las respuestas, cuando tales radiaciones afectan directamente a los núcleos independientes del XANMOO AYUBAA (El XANMOO CENTRAL cuenta con “núcleos periféricos” distribuidos por toda la UEWA. En estos la estabilidad térmica es ESENCIAL. SUSCEPTIBILITY TO RADIATION PENETRATING UAXOO Although not all suffer in their functionality in the presence of these physical agents and although rarely UAXOO may be exposed to radiant energy above 4 × 10 3 / electron-Volt (The Spaceship areas often circumvent dangerous three-dimensional framework changing) the design of certain transducers respond to the danger of activation, the more this into account that the energy transferred to molecules of the structure, is stored temporarily, to be shown later as heat, causing thermal gradients hazardous which would damage both the system, as the fidelity of the answers, when such radiation directly affect independent nuclei XANMOO AYUBAA (The XANMOO CENTRAL has "peripheral nuclei" distributed throughout the UEWA. In these thermal stability is essential.
MICROMODULACION Y RECUPERABILIDAD La complejidad orgánica de estos dispositivos y la necesidad de integrar un gran número en espacio reducido exige que sus dimensiones sean reducidas a escalas casi celulares en ciertos casos. MICROMODULACION And Regain organizational complexity of these devices and the need to integrate large numbers in confined space requires that the dimensions are reduced to scales almost cellular in certain cases. El valor modal en una gausiana de distribución por dimensiones volumétricas es de 2,8 mm 3 alcanzándose en el percentil 95 (Procuro adaptarme a los algoritmos y terminología terrestres) un valor de / 0,07 mm 3 . The modal value in a Gaussian distribution volumetric dimensions of 2.8 mm 3 being reached at the 95th percentile (try to adapt to algorithms and terrestrial terminology) a value of / 0.07 mm 3. En realidad los problemas inherentes a la microminiaturización que llega en algunos componentes a la escala molecular, está resuelta, desde muchos XEE atrás (El XEE es un periodo temporal equivalente en In reality, the problems inherent in microminiaturization which in some components at the molecular scale, is determined, since many XEE ago (The XEE is an equivalent time period UMMO a 0,212 años terrestres) más se presenta toda una compleja gama de graves inconvenientes a la hora de diseñar un sistema de XOOGUU AYUBAA (VEA NOTA 7 DEL APÉNDICE) ( Nota UC: Ya visitada. Volver aquí con: “Volver-Camino-5”) que permita la recuperación y ulterior sustitución de los componentes averiados cuando estos presentan dimensiones tan reducidas. 0.212 years Ummo to land) more complex presents a wide range of serious disadvantages when designing a system XOOGUU AYUBAA (SEE NOTE 7 OF APPENDIX) (Note UC: Already seen. Return here with "Back-Path-5 ") to enable retrieval and subsequent replacement of faulty components that are of such small dimensions.
Otra característica de los UAXOO estriba en que integrados dentro de los distintos estratos de la XOODINAA, envían su información solo por canales “Gravitatorio” y “Resonante Nuclear” (VEA NOTA 3 ) ( Nota UC: Ya visitada. Para volver: “Volver-Camino-6”) y rara vez por canal Óptico para evitar toda conexión de tipo material o mecánico con el XANMOO como son los cables de filamentos vítreos. Another feature is that the UAXOO integrated within the different strata of XOODINAA, send your information only for channels "Gravity" and "Resonant Nuclear" (SEE NOTE 3) (Note UC: Already seen. To return: "Back - Path-6 ") and rarely by optical channel to avoid any type connection with the material or mechanical XANMOO such as vitreous tow. Esta independencia mecánica es necesaria si tienen en cuenta que bruscas alteraciones dinámicas, perforaciones por cosmolitos, etc. This independence is necessary if you have mechanics in mind that sudden dynamic changes, Cosmolite perforations, etc.. podrían provocar la ruptura de la Red y conexiones parásitas perturbadoras ya que el espacio reducido impide a tales filamentos ópticos contar con protectores adecuados (Un haz de estos al romperse produciría múltiples cruces anómalos en los canales informativos). could cause the rupture of the parasitic network and connections disturbing because the limited space prevents such filaments have adequate protective optical (A bundle of these to produce multiple crossings anomalous break in the information channels). Esta es la razón también por la que ciertas redes tales como la vascular de suministro de Litio (51) sean de estructura arborescente o radial y no reticular. This is also the reason why certain networks such as the vascular supply of lithium (51) are of tree structure or radial and non-reticular.
(36) UULAXOO: La gama de transductores sensibles al espectro magnetoeléctrico que se extiende desde 2,638 ·10 14 a 5,32 · 10 16 ciclos/seg. (36) UULAXOO: The range of transducers sensitive magnetoeléctrico spectrum that extends from 2.638 × 10 14 to 5.32 × 10 16 cycles / sec. es muy variada. is varied. Todos ellos están incluidos dentro de la capa más externa de la UOXOODINAA protegidos por esférulos vítreos transparentes, Cada uno de estos transductores es sensible a una banda muy estrecha del espectro, y algunos resonantes a una sola frecuencia. All are included within the outermost layer of the UOXOODINAA protected by transparent glassy spherules, Each of these transducers is sensitive to a narrow band of the spectrum and some resonant at a single frequency. Su base es distinta a la de las células fotorresistivas o fotosensitivas utilizadas por sus hermanos ingenieros Terrestres. Its base is different from fotorresistivas or photosensitive cells used by engineers Terrestrial siblings. Los transductores, registran las alteraciones del estado cuántico de las coronas electrónicas en las moléculas diatómicas de un gas cuando absorben IBOAYAA OUU (CUANTUM ENERGÉTICOS). The transducers recorded the changes of the quantum state of electronic crowns diatomic molecules when they absorb a gas IBOAYAA ouu (CUANTUM ENERGY).
(37) Red vascular para el suministro de Litio y Cesio. (37) vascular network to supply lithium and cesium.
(38) Transductores para la valoración de la Presión externa del gas, sus márgenes de medición se extienden desde 2,9 · 10 -10 milibares hasta 1116,53 atmósferas (Existen otros transductores no representados como “contadores de impactos de moléculas” capaces de registrar niveles inferiores de alto vacío). (38) Transducers for the assessment of external pressure gas measurement margins ranging from 2.9 · 10 -10 mbar to atmosphere 1116.53 (There are other transducers are not represented as "counters impacts of molecules" capable of record lower levels of high vacuum).
(39) Sondas para la medición de los distintos gradientes térmicos en la zona envolvente limitada por la ITOAA. (39) probes for the measurement of thermal gradients in the area bounded by the ITOA envelope.
(40) Captores de gas y polvo cósmico. (40) catchers gas and dust. Bombean gas por un canal de estructura en “U” una de cuyas ramas capta moléculas de gas y partículas de polvo, que luego es expulsado a presión por la segunda rama. Pumping gas through a channel structure "U" one of whose branches capture gas molecules and dust particles, which is then expelled under pressure through the second branch. Son analizados en cada instante: Densidad del gas, Composición química, presencia de componentes biológicos (Virus, microorganismos, aminoácidos, cadenas orgánicas complejas...) seccionando las estructuras complejas (Partículas de polvo, restos de tejidos orgánicos, captando sus imágenes para su análisis posterior.) Are analyzed in every moment of the gas density, chemical composition, presence of biological components (Viruses, microorganisms, amino acids, complex organic chains ...) dissecting the complex structures (dust particles, remnants of organic tissue, capturing their images for analysis.)
(41) Racimos de transductores térmicos que miden la temperatura en diversos puntos de la XOODINAA. (41) Clusters of thermal transducers that measure temperature at various points in the XOODINAA. La valoración se efectúa por el cambio de permeabilidad magnética de una fina varilla (muestra ferromagnética) en función de cambio de temperatura en ese punto. The valuation was carried out by the change in magnetic permeability of a thin rod (ferromagnetic sample) versus temperature change at that point. Están conectados directamente con los refrigeradores de Litio y Cesio. They are connected directly with lithium and cesium refrigerators.
(42) Detectores diferenciales del espectro electromagnético acotado por las frecuencias (3,71 a 2,66) · 10 14 ciclos/segundo. (42) differential detectors of the electromagnetic spectrum bounded by the frequencies (3.71 to 2.66) × 10 14 cycles per second.
(43) Separación de los módulos hexagonales en el mosaico de IENXOODINAA (Bióxido silícico) Ustedes lo llamarían “Juntas de Dilatación” Evita que las altas tensiones dinámicas puedan fracturar esta capa protectora. (43) Separation of hexagonal modules in the mosaic of IENXOODINAA (silicic dioxide) You might call it "Expansion Joints" Avoid the high dynamic stresses may fracture this protective layer. La composición de estas “Juntas” presenta características de gran elasticidad y baja conductividad térmica. The composition of these "Boards" has characteristics of high elasticity and low thermal conductivity.
(44) (44) AAXOO (emisor) de Ondas gravitatorias. AAXOO (writer) of gravitational waves. Es uno de los pocos dispositivos que mantiene comunicación por vía UULNII (Vea NOTA 3 ) ( Nota UC: Si desea volver a ver la Nota 3, puede luego volver aquí con: “Volver-Camino-7”) con los órganos centrales del XOODINAA. It is one of the few devices that maintains communication through UULNII (See Note 3) (UC Note: If you like to see Note 3 another tiem, you can then return here with "Back-Path-7") with the central organs of XOODINAA . (XANMOO periféricos situados en la membrana) Su densidad de distribución es muy baja / 16,8 unidades por ENMOO EE (1 ENMOO EE ≈ 3 / 3,5 m 2 ) (XANMOO peripherals located in the membrane) The distribution density is very low / 16.8 units per ENMOO EE (1 ENMOO EE ≈ 3 / 3.5 m 2)
(45) Está tachado a última hora por los señores de UMMO, incluso en la segunda copia que yo hice. (45) is crossed at the last minute Ummo lords, even in the second copy I made.
(46) Detectores de Radiaciones iónicas. (46) ionizing radiation detectors. Están integrados en cavidades esféricas situadas en la zona más exterior de la UOXOODINAA (1) Estos microrrecintos llenos de un éster muy viscoso, contiene módulos de un metal cristalizado purísimo tallados en forma poliédrica. Are integrated in spherical cavities located in the outer area of the UOXOODINAA (1) These microrrecintos filled with a highly viscous ester contains modules of a pure crystalline metal polyhedral carvings. Las alteraciones en la Red cristalina del metal, provocadas por la acción de radiaciones corpusculares, son acusadas por un segundo órgano sensor situado en la base de la cavidad. Alterations in the crystal lattice of the metal, caused by the action of corpuscular radiation, are accused by a second sensor body at the base of the cavity.
(47) Detectores de frecuencias gravitatorias, formadas por una pila de sensores resonantes. (47) frequency gravitational detectors, consisting of a stack of resonant sensors. La información es amplificada y retransmitida al XANMOO Central. The information is amplified and relayed to Central XANMOO. Cada uno de estos Transductores exige un potente generador de energía situado en la base (Estructura toroidal como puede apreciarse en el gráfico). Each of these transducers requires a powerful energy generator located at the base (toroidal structure as shown in the figure). Es frecuente el deterioro de estos aparatos por estar ubicados en una cavidad troncocónica de la UOXOODINNAA sin protección alguna, sometidos a la erosión de los agentes externos. Often the deterioration of these devices when they are located in a conical cavity of UOXOODINNAA unprotected, subject to the erosion of external agents.
(48) Racimos de transductores tensodinámicos embutidos en la masa del XOODINAA. (48) Clusters of tensodinámicos transducers embedded in the mass of XOODINAA. Están formados por varillas empotradas en los diversos estratos de esta MEMBRANA, y orientados en todas las direcciones. They consist of rods embedded in the various layers of this membrane, and oriented in all directions.
Su funcionamiento se basa en la variación que experimenta la permeabilidad de una aleación de Bismuto-Cobalto cuando se halla sometido tanto a débiles compresiones como a tracciones imperceptibles. Its operation is based on the change experienced by the permeability of a Bismuth-Cobalt alloy when it is subjected to both tensile weak compressions as imperceptible. Estos dispositivos distribuidos con alta densidad por toda la Estructura de la UEWA registran todas las tensiones deformantes tanto aperiódicas como periódicas (Vibraciones) que sufre la Nave. These devices are densely distributed throughout the structure all the tensions recorded UEWA deforming both aperiodic and periodic (vibration) which undergoes the Ship. Sus informaciones son valiosísimas pues permite al XANMOO Central corregir en cada instante las condiciones de vuelo cuando tales tensiones pueden provocar fenómenos de fractura, fisuración o alabeo peligroso de cualquier elemento estructural. Your information is valuable because it allows the Central XANMOO correct in every moment the flight conditions when such tensions can lead to phenomena of rupture, cracking or warping dangerous of any structural element.
(49) Estos órganos sensitivos transmiten una información semejante a la de los transductores citados (48). (49) These bodies transmit sensitive information similar to that of the aforementioned transducers (48). Son mucho menos sensibles a las vibraciones de muy baja frecuencia, pero reaccionan ante los trenes de onda acústicos que se propagan por la masa del XOODINAA y provocadas muchas veces por el impacto de “COSMOLITOS” y otras por fracturas bruscas de componentes etc. They are much less sensitive to very low frequency vibrations, but react to the acoustic wave trains that propagate through the mass of XOODINAA and often caused by the impact of "Cosmolite" and other sudden fracture and component. Se trata de recintos llenos de gas ionizado, cuyo gradiente de potencial eléctrico varía en función de la propagación en su seno de frecuencias acústicas. These enclosures filled with ionized gas, whose electric potential gradient varies with the spread in frequency within audible. La función de potencial resultante es analizada o descompuesta en sus frecuencias sinusoidales integrantes y una vez codificadas en función de su valor, remitida la información al XANMOO. The resulting potential function is analyzed and decomposed into its sinusoidal frequencies members and once coded according to their value, forwarded the information to XANMOO.
(50) Pequeños depósitos denominados YAEDINOO llenos de un producto cerámico para el sellado de posibles fracturas o fisuras de la membrana exterior. (50) Small deposits denominated YAEDINOO filled with a ceramic product for sealing any cracks or fissures in the outer membrane.
(51) Red de canalización para el Litio fundido. (51) Network channel for molten lithium. Existe una segunda para el Rubidio fundido, y en ciertas zonas, una tercera para el Cesio. There is a second for the molten rubidium, and in certain areas, one for cesium. Estos metales de bajo punto de fusión se utilizan indistintamente en funciones de refrigeración, para el caso en que fallen ciertos sistemas de protección térmica. These metals of low melting point are used interchangeably in cooling functions, in case they fail some thermal protection systems.
(52) Red muy tupida llamada NOURAXAA. (52) Red NOURAXAA call very thick. Está conectada con el IBOZOOAIDA Equipo inversor de partículas. It is connected to the inverter equipment IBOZOOAIDA particles. No podemos explicarle a usted nada sobre este sistema. We can not tell you anything about this system.
(53) (53) XOOGUU-AYUBAA. XOOGUU-AYUBAA. Haces de canalizaciones previstos en los puntos de convergencia reticulares, de módulos de bombeo. Bundles of pipes under the Convergence reticular pumping modules. Esta Red de una importancia elevada conduce microelementos de repuesto a los puntos que sufrieron alguna extorsión. This network of high importance spare micro leads the points which have suffered extortion. (VEA NOTA 7 del APENDICE) ( Nota UC: Volver aquí desde la Nota 7 con: “Volver-Camino-8”) . (SEE NOTE 7 of the Appendix) (Note UC: Return here from Note 7 with "Back-Path-8").
(54) Censurado en ambos originales. (54) Censored in both originals.
(55) Tachado igualmente. (55) Strikeout alike.
(56) IBOO (Centros coordinadores de la Red XOOGUU (Vea Nota 7). (56) Iboo (Centers XOOGUU Network Coordinators (See Note 7).
(57) (57) Generador de Iones para la protección de la superficie contra la abrasión del polvo cósmico y polvo atmosférico. Ion Generator for surface protection against abrasion of cosmic dust and atmospheric dust. (Vea Nota 19 ). ( Nota UC: Volver aquí desde la Nota 19 con: “Volver-Camino-9”) (See Note 19). (Note UC: Return here from Note 19 with "Back-Path-9")
(58) UYOOALADAA AYUBAA. (58) UYOOALADAA AYUBAA. Conducción de una aleación susceptible de fundirse o solidificarse en una densidad de ramas variables por unidad de volumen. Conducting a susceptible alloy melt or solidify at a density of branches per unit volume variables. Confiere así a ciertas zonas de la Membrana diferentes grados de rigidez mecánica. Thus confers to certain areas of the membrane varying degrees of mechanical rigidity. De ese modo puede variarse a “voluntad” del XANMOO (COMPUTADOR) las características elásticas de la estructura de la XOODINAA. Thus can be changed to "will" of XANMOO (COMPUTER) the elastic characteristics of the structure of XOODINAA. Los canales de sección circular y elíptica según los casos, van provistos axialmente de una cadena de generadores térmicos controlados para la fusión de la masa metálica estática que llena la Red vascular. The channels of circular and elliptical section as appropriate, are fitted axially in a chain of controlled thermal generators for melting metal mass static fills the vascular network.
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Los canales de transmisión de información en el seno de nuestros equipos son de dos tipos: (NIIUAXOO) Canal receptor o transmisor de datos y (NIIAXOO) Canal efector o transmisor de órdenes o series de impulsos para el accionamiento de distintos órganos efectores de la AYUU (Red). The channels of transmission of information within our teams are of two types: (NIIUAXOO) receiver or transmitter channel data and (NIIAXOO) Channel effector or transmitter of orders or series of pulses for the operation of various effector organs of the ayllu (Network).
Los Terrestres utilizan casi exclusivamente conductores y semiconductores para la conexión de los distintos elementos de una Red. Estos circuitos que llevan asociadas unas características de resistividad, Capacidad e Inductancias distribuidas y que son también capaces de portar mensajes codificados por medio de un flujo de electrones, tienen el inconveniente de que deforman la información en función de la longitud de los mismos. Land use almost exclusively the conductors and semiconductors for connecting the various elements of a Red These circuits associated with them characteristics of resistivity, capacitance and inductance distributed and are also capable of carrying coded messages through a flow of electrons, have the disadvantage that distort the information based on the length of them. Por tanto, rara vez usamos nosotros esa clase de transmisión eléctrica salvo en los casos en que la respuesta no exige un elevado grado de integridad y fidelidad. Therefore, we seldom use that kind of power transmission except in cases where the answer does not require a high degree of integrity and fidelity.
Nuestros sistemas están proyectados de modo que cada mensaje codificado es remitido simultáneamente por tres canales o sistemas físicos de transmisión informativa radicalmente distinta en su base ( Nota UC: Aunque no está señalado en el informe, parecería que la NOTA 5 debiera ir aquí) , de modo que la fiabilidad de la respuesta es prácticamente la unidad, ya que la probabilidad de que los tres sistemas fallen simultáneamente es muy reducida salvo el caso de destrucción mecánica de los órganos transceptores de la AYUBAA (RED). Our systems are designed so that each encrypted message is sent simultaneously on three channels or physical systems of information transfer is radically different at its base (UC Note: Although not stated in the report, it appears that Note 5 should go here), So the reliability of the response is nearly unity, since the probability that the three systems fail simultaneously is very low except in case of mechanical destruction of the bodies AYUBAA transceivers (RED).
Por otra parte aun suponiendo que factores físicos externos perturben el contenido de la información, en alguno de los canales, la respuesta no perturbada o perturbada de otro modo de los restantes, permite reconstruir en toda pureza la señal primigenia. Moreover even if external physical factors disturb the information content in some of the channels, the answer is not disturbed or otherwise disturbed in the other, allows us to reconstruct the signal across primeval purity.
El primer sistema UULNII (TRANSMISION DE INFORMACION OPTICA) utiliza un filamento vitrificado (IMAGEN A). The first system UULNII (OPTICAL TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION) uses a filament vitrified (PICTURE).
( Nota UC : Nota 3 Imagen A del informe Villagrasa) (Note UC: Note 3 to the report screen Villagrasa)
IMAGEN A (Nota UC: Recopilación Aguirre ) PICTURE (UC Note: Compilation Aguirre)
a través del cual suelen transmitirse simultáneamente del 10 3 a 8 · 10 6 canales simultáneos o flujos distintos de información dentro de un espectro electromagnético que se extiende desde 6,72 · 10 14 a 8,96 · 10 14 ciclos/segundo. through which are transmitted simultaneously from 10 3 to 8 · 10 6-channel simultaneous or different information flows within the electromagnetic spectrum that extends from 6.72 × 10 14 to 8.96 × 10 14 cycles per second. La luz sufre distintas reflexiones en la superficie cilíndrica alabeada del filamento (cuyo índice de refracción varía desde el centro a la periferia) por lo que la atenuación para grandes longitudes de la conexión puede exigir la interconexión a intervalos de Amplificadores autónomos fotónicos (IBOAYAA GOOA). The light undergoes several reflections in the warped cylindrical surface of the filament (whose refractive index varies from center to periphery) as mitigation for long lengths of the connection may require interconnection to self photonic amplifiers intervals (IBOAYAA GOOA) .
La técnica del ULNII está aún en vigencia en nuestro UMMO aunque fue elaborado mucho tiempo atrás. ULNII technique is still in force in our Ummo although it was developed long ago.
El segundo sistema no emplea ningún medio material de interconexión. The second system does not employ any means of interconnection material. Se basa en la emisión de ondas gravitatorias dentro de un amplio espectro de frecuencias muy elevadas. It is based on gravitational wave emission within a broad spectrum of very high frequencies. La puesta en juego de inmensas energías es necesaria para este tipo de transmisores. The game setting is immense energies for this type of transmitters. Esta es su desventaja mayor. This is its major disadvantage. En cambio no se ve perturbada fácilmente por Campos extraños a la AYUU (RED). In contrast is not easily disturbed by strangers to the ayllu Campos (RED). Esta técnica no es tan antigua como la precedente. This technique is not as old as precedent.
El tercer sistema utiliza un efecto de Resonancia desconocido totalmente por los físicos hermanos suyos de Tierra (VEA NOTA 4 ( Nota UC: Si desea volverla a leer, no olvide el camino) ) The third system uses a completely unknown resonance effect by physicists of his brothers of Earth (SEE NOTE 4 (UC Note: If you want to read it again, do not forget the path you have engaged))
Volver a Nota 7, Caminos-1-5 y 8 ; Volver-Camino-3 ; Volver-Camino-4 ; Volver-Camino-6 ; Volver-Camino-7 ; (Back to Note 7, Paths-1, 5 and 8); (Back-Path-3), (Back-Path-4); (Back-Path-6); (Back-Path-7);
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Para comprender el efecto OAWOENNIUU (RESONANCIA NUCLEAR) necesitaría explicarle nuestra teoría de la constitución del Espacio y la Materia. To understand the effect OAWOENNIUU (NUCLEAR RESONANCE) need to explain our theory of the constitution of Space and Matter. Trataré de formularle un resumen utilizando conceptos familiares a usted. Try to formulate a summary using concepts familiar to you.
Suponga por ejemplo un conjunto numéricamente reducido de átomos de Molibdeno: Assume for example a numerically small group of atoms Molybdenum:
IMAGEN B ( Nota UC: A la izda. Villagrasa ya la dcha. Aguirre) IMAGE B (UC Note: In the left. Villagrasa and r.. Aguirre)
Por ejemplo Mo 1 Mo 2 Mo 3 .... For example Mo 1 Mo 2 Mo 3 .... Mo n cuyos núcleos presentan la peculiaridad de que la configuración en un instante determinado, de sus niveles energéticos en cuanto a distribución de nucleones se refiere, es idéntica. Mo n whose nuclei have the peculiarity that the configuration at any given time, their energy levels in the distribution of nucleons is concerned, is identical. No importa que los niveles cuánticos de su corteza electrónica sean diferentes o que los orbitales de los mismos estén compartidos en cualquier enlace químico. Never mind that the quantum levels of the crust are different or electronic orbitals of these are shared in any chemical bond. Nosotros decimos entonces que esos átomos OAWOOENI ( : ESTÁN EN RESONANCIA). We say then that these atoms OAWOOENI (: are in resonance).
Nosotros sabemos también que cualquier corpúsculo atómico (Neutrino, Protón, Mesón K etc. ) es en realidad una proyección distinta dentro de un Marco Tridimensional, de una misma entidad matemático-real que llamamos IBOZOO UU. We also know that any atomic corpuscle (Neutrino, Proton, Mesón K etc.). Is really a different projection in a three-dimensional framework of a mathematical entity that we call real IBOZOO States. (Hasta el punto que solo concedemos en el WAAM (UNIVERSO) el atributo de REAL o EXISTENTE al IBOZOO UU). (To the extent that only confer on the WAAM (Universe) the real or existent attribute to IBOZOO UU).
Al IBOZOO UU puede usted imaginárselo con una imagen didáctica, como un “haz” o “paquete” de “ejes Ideales” cuyas distintas orientaciones polidirectivas darán lugar a que cualquier Físico interprete ese “haz” o “erizo” de múltiples púas orientadas, como un quantum unas veces, o como quizá un leptón o un electrón. When can you imagine IBOZOO States with a didactic image as a "bundle" or package of "axis Ideals" polidirectivas whose different orientations give rise to any Physical interpret this "beam" or "hedgehog" multiple barbs aimed, as a quantum few times, or perhaps a lepton or an electron. De Modo que sus valoraciones en cuanto a Masa, Carga eléctrica, Momento Orbital etc., representan en realidad las distintas orientaciones axiales del IBOZOO UU del mismo modo que los distintos tonos cromáticos (naranjado, añil o cyan) tienen como base una frecuencia distinta en el espectro electromagnético. So their valuations in terms of mass, charge, orbital momentum and so on., Actually represent different axial orientations IBOZOO States just as the different color tones (orange, indigo or cyan) are based on a different frequency the electromagnetic spectrum.
Imagine usted por tanto que conseguimos desorientar en el seno del átomo de “Mo 1 ” un solo NUCLEÓN (un PROTÓN por ejemplo) puede ocurrir que la inversión no sea absoluta en cuyo caso el efecto observable por usted sería la conversión de la MASA del PROTÓN en ENERGÍA. Imagine you get disoriented so that within the atom Mo 1 "a single nucleon (a proton by example) may be that investment is not absolute in which case you would be observable effect by converting the mass of the proton in ENERGY.
ΔE = mc 2 + K Siendo m la masa del Protón y K una constante. ΔE = mc 2 + K being the weight of the Proton and K a constant.
Obteniéndose un isótopo del NIOBIO 10 . Obtaining an isotope of niobium 10. (como ustedes llaman a este elemento químico fundamental) Pero nosotros podemos forzar la desorientación de los “ejes” del IBOZOO UU (INVERSIÓN ABSOLUTA) de modo que un Físico observador observaría asombrado que el PROTÓN parece como si hubiese sido ANIQUILADO sin liberación de ENERGÍA. (as you call this essential chemical element) But we can force the disorientation of the "axis" of IBOZOO UU (ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT) so that an observer would observe Physical amazed that the proton seems as if it had been wiped out without energy release. Este fenómeno parecería a ustedes que contradice el principio Universal de Conservación de Masa y Energía. This phenomenon seems to you that contradicts the universal principle of Conservation of Mass and Energy. (Conservación por otra parte muy justamente puesta en duda por otros Físicos de la TIERRA: En efecto las Hipótesis formuladas por algunos TERRESTRES SOBRE la actual CREACIÓN de MATERIA en el UNIVERSO se basa en realidad en que en efecto, conjuntos de IBOZOO UU se invierten totalmente a nuestro Marco tridimensional, pudiendo ser observable por los que vivimos en él.) (Conservation otherwise very justly questioned by other physical earth: Indeed the assumptions made by some today LAND ON CREATION of matter in the universe is actually based on that in effect sets IBOZOO fully invested UU our three-dimensional framework, which may be observable by those who live in it.)
Observará pues ahora, un Átomo de NIOBIO 10 ionizado negativamente. Notice for now, a niobium atom negatively ionized 10.
Sin embargo el resto de los n-1 átomos de MOLIBDENO ha sufrido una alteración en sus niveles energéticos nucleares, de modo que la energía nucleica de cada uno de esos átomos se incrementó en (Vea Imagen B). But the rest of the n-1 molybdenum atoms have undergone a change in its nuclear energy levels, so that the nucleic energy of each of these atoms is increased (See Image B).
Verificándose que: Verified that:
R i = Distancias radiales al Átomo de NIOBIO 10 de cada uno de los restantes R i = radial distance from the niobium atom 10 of each of the remaining y and
constantes del sistema cuyos valores son funciones no solo de n sino de las estructuras de los núcleos y de R i . system constants whose values are functions of n but not only the structures of the nuclei and R i.
(Vea imagen B) (See picture B)
La energía transferida a los Núcleos de los restantes átomos de Mo, por este efecto de Resonancia está cuantificada de modo que podría llegar a ser nula para un átomo del conjunto situado a una distancia R superior a un umbral definido. The energy transferred to the nuclei of other atoms of Mo, this resonance effect is quantified so that it could become zero for an atom of the group at a distance R above a defined threshold.
De modo que si conseguimos excitar a un ATOMO de MOLIBDENO Mo 1 situado en un órgano emisor ( So if we can excite a molybdenum atom Mo 1 issuer located in an organ ( ) (IMAGEN C) invirtiendo uno de sus Nucleones acusaremos en un órgano receptor / ) (IMAGE C) by investing one of the defendants in a court Nucleonics receiver /
/ conteniendo otro átomo de Mo 2 una alteración cuántica en este último. Tanto más elevada cuanto menos átomos parásitos en resonancia puedan existir en las proximidades. Both higher the fewer atoms in resonance parasites may exist in the vicinity.
Es preciso advertir que la transferencia de Energía no se hizo mediante un Campo excitador de modo que el tiempo de transmisión es NULO (hablamos entonces de velocidad de transferencia o de flujo informativo INFINITA.) It should be noted that energy transfer was not made by an exciter field so that the transmission time is NULL (it is called a transfer rate of information flow or infinity.)
Este principio Físico facilitaría aparentemente la puesta a punto de un sistema de comunicaciones instantáneas a enormes distancias interplanetarias de modo que un mensaje no tardase en ocasiones varios años luz en llegar a su destino. This principle apparently Physical facilitate the development of a system of instant communications to large distances between so that a message will soon sometimes several light years to reach its destination. Desgraciadamente esto es irrealizable en la Práctica Pues la existencia de átomos perturbadores o parásitos en libertad, resonantes con el emisor absorberían toda la energía del sistema. Unfortunately this is unattainable in practice because the existence of atoms, disruptive or parasites in the wild, resonant with the issuer would absorb all the energy of the system. Jamás llegaría entonces a ser transferida por resonancia una parte cuantificada de la misma a un átomo tan lejano, de modo que la efectividad del sistema de transmisión está subordinada a. Never would then be transferred by resonance quantified part of it so far away from an atom, so that the effectiveness of the transmission system is subject a. que en las inmediaciones de la Red no existan masas de Elemento Químico Similar que atenúe las señales transmitidas. in the vicinity of the Red absence masses like chemical elements that attenuate the transmitted signals.
Volver a Nota 3 Back to Note 3
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These three systems of Transmission of informative flow are used simultaneously in those branches of the NETWORK whose answers demand a high fidelity, so that the probability that they failed the three channels simultaneously, is reduced noticeably.
In the SCHEME of IMAGE D, we simulated an AYUU (NET) two organs ( ) and (
) between which there are to flow a INFORMATION. The three channels drawn with the chromatic tones (YELLOW, BLUE and ORANGE) represent transmissions by optical, gravitational, and Resonant route respectively nuclear.
they respectively represent a derivador and an integrator, of signals. This last one realises an important function, compares the content of the same message received by the three routes eliminating
the originating disturbances of a parasitic Source stranger to the system (it does not forget that the times of transmission vary for each system, being Null for the “Resonant Nuclear one”)
In the future when symbolizing a NETWORK, we will be brief (IMAGE E), (it lacks) the scheme of each Branch, representing with a fragmented line or chain of points (..............) those, whose function is INFORMING, or as you would say SENSITIVE AFECTORA or, AFFERENT etc. If on the contrary it transmitted orders, motor impulses, signals of control for control units etc., would be codified with a line of continuous outline (-----------) you would call to these branches: EFFECTOR; MOTOR. (Example of the first case will be information transmission on pressure of a gas, and the second: Shipment of impulses of parabolic branch for the drive of a generator of Magnetic field of controlled gradient.
All the branches of the NETWORK do not allow a communication by the three systems. In many cases it is impossible to canalize the informative flow by optical route since the vitreous filament beams (It sees NOTE 3) constitute a disturbing mechanical element.
The emission of instructions or shipment of motor orders is realised in each one of the channels described by means of a different codification. In two routes the transmission is at least verified by means of a component frequency analysis (SINUSOIDAL FREQUENCIES) of the Periodic function to transmit or if she is APERIODIC it realises a selection of values by statistical sampling. A series of digits in duodecimal system is obtained therefore that are codified as well for their emission. A channel repeats the Primitive function without codifying at least maintaining a high degree of reliability so that the received APERIODIC Function is a faithful image of first for which what you call NOISE LEVEL has been made practically disappear in the case of NOTE transmission OAWOENNIU” (Described 4 (Note U-C: To see this note 4, after returning to 3 Note and when finalizing this last one) (NUCLEIC RESONANCE)
You will observe who like indeed
The informative capacity can rise considerably (although in our case that capacity is reduced by the use of nonbinary digits) allowing the emission of complex messages in a time very reduced (Unfortunately this is not the case of the optical channels reason why considered somewhat old fashioned system already, it is suppressed in certain AYUUBAA (REDES)
It is difficult to correctly translate the word XOOGU AYUBAA (AYUBAA is a term that is equivalent to “NETWORK” or STRUCTURE dynamic ligature).
Phoneme XOOGU (the G pronounces as inhaled H) is applied to everything a technical system that the terrestrial engineers, their brothers, still do not know but that necessarily they will need to develop and to complete in the future more or less next.
As I informed to him in our summary that I before sent eighteen days to him with regard to XOOIMAA UGII, the complexity of the structural modules has arrived at a so high level, that the direct access to its vital organs takes control almost impossible of the means that terrestrial know you them. In a cubical decimeter for example, they can have capacity between 400 and 23000 independent organs or devices, each provided of hundreds or at least dozens (in less complex) of functional, component microelements whose volume in some cases does not surpass the 0.0006 cubical millimeters, and some elements even can be reduced to a few molecules, not to refer certain equipment to us where a single atom or an isolated atomic corpuscle exerts an essential function.
In these conditions, You like engineer, can imagine the level of the problem orders that consider in these systems.
First of all, the reliability of AYUU (RED) then although many components work in parallel so that the failure of one of them is compensated by the rest, we do not forget that the deterioration of any microelement can paralyze everything a system that in volume is several million times greater. The expressed degree of statistical reliability in terrestrial form, is inverse function as you know, of the number of components, and although naturally the systems are simplified to the maximum who allow our technological evolutionary moment, the functional limitations are obvious.
The dramatic second problem is based in which you would call ENTERTAINMENT OR MAINTENANCE OF the SYSTEM. A reliability is never attainable UNIT (100%) So that three new problems consider:
IDENTIFICATION OF THE FAILED FUEL ELEMENT: You can imagine in the case of our XOODINAA or membrane of the Spaceship, in which million microscopic components are accumulated, that a human operator although was provided of instruments of high precision and high definition, would find impossible to accede to him to find the microcomponent damaged, without destroying, or at least disassembling vital parts that surround and mask to “the ill” organ same You you can think the great difference in front of the failure of a terrestrial milliammeter whose picture has burned in which case the repairer will be able to disassemble it in its table of work, unscrewing small a Rep to us and desoldando connections. The identification of the failure in our systems is easy for XANMOO AYUBAA. When the answers of these devices are distorted, - and the XANMOO has “conscience” of it compares because them with other answers of organs in parallel, or with memorised answers LANDLORD in that one, - then it calculates with different probabilistic values the components that can have brought about the “abnormal conduct” of the organ in study.
RAPIDITY OF THE SUBSTITUTION: The anomalous component has to be replaced and some times even repaired “in situ” as you would say, at a high speed. This would be impossible with the difficulties that its inaccessibility if not outside indeed by our system XOOGUU AYUBAA presents/displays. If one of the travellers of the UEWA had to repair those micromodular damages directly, it could take many hundreds of UIW and perhaps nor it would obtain even so it. The problem - and perdóneme if I make use of an ingenuous didactic resemblance, would be the same or analogous, that the one that would consider a terrestrial neurosurgeon to him whom it tried for example to realise a renal weave or marrow graft on a soldier, while this it runs by the battlefield.
IDENTIFICATION, ACCESS and RAPIDITY in the repair of the component are the problems that without a satisfactory solution would disqualify or condemn without remission a TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS that presumably demands every time a greater functional complexity, until the point of which in a AYUBAA (Under the denomination of AYUU, not only the calls by you are integrated GRAPHS but great part of the structures that you would integrate within the denominated one by the Earth, ENGINEERING OF SYSTEMS.
There is a censured paragraph.
XOOGU AYUBAA. This system solves each one of the problems proposed like typical of a related System Complex. One is a complicated absorbed vascular NETWORK in any functional structure. Its similarity with sanguineous the arterial and hair Network of some pluricellular beings, is evident although their operation is as it will see, different. Millares of canalículos connects all the organs with the AYUBAA. This Network is RETICULAR - RADIAL (IMAGE A) You can you assimilate it to a CONNECTED GRAPH some of whose SUGFRAFOS they are ARBORESCENT, on the other hand, its branches are oriented in these last ones in the circuits or you do not only enmesh more.
(Note U-C: To the left one it appears the image that appears in the compilation of the Dr. Aguirre and to the right the image of the report received by Mr. Enrique Villagrasa. From where obtained the Dr. Aguirre these images? It is that two information were received? Although both graphs are equivalent, can be almost assured that the hands that have drawn up these two schemes are different. On the other hand the text of the compilation Aguirre and the one of the report received by E. Villagrasa is almost identical. In the small discrepancies we have relied on the text of the Villagrasa report)
A center sender includes to the new components that are to replace the damaged ones, in a cilindroforme gelatinous mass (NUUGII) IMAGE B.
This cylinder moves in the vascular conduit until a IBOO (POINT or KNOT of the NETWORK) the NUGII is driven by the pressure differential
ΔP = P1 - P2 of the gas Helium contained in the canalization. IBOO (PUNTOS) is true neuralgic centers of communication that realise the following functions.
All the IBOO are controlled by a coordinating center XANMOO.
Finally the NUGII arrives at their destiny (the damaged organ). Previously the damaged component has been extracted of its location, and soon redispatched in another NUGII in the end to be eliminated by fusion, decomposition and nuclear transformation. The new microelement is cleared of its gelatinous cover (By means of Oxidation of Jalea by means of LOX). Now one is put under the action of a controlled Gravitational Field orients that it space (This Field is reduced to small surroundings, is not an Uniform field, on the contrary the complexity of gradient dynamic in each point of the same allows to orient to the piece, and to bring about in her linear rotations and displacements)
This way the component is transferred to its new location, and fitted next to the others. The modification of the Gravitational Field is realised thanks to NUUGI IADUU gelatinous cylinders that accompany to the piece absorbed in the NUUGII That one returns to the chosen point once fulfilled their mission.
Although the preceding description is very brief (you Can imagine that an exhaustive study of the system would occupy millares of folios of this format) serves to illustrate to him to you on the form in which our systems are “autorreparados”. All this presents/displays another series of problems of topológico character, since it demands to locate to the less trustworthy components, in the periphery, so that it can easily be recovered.
The structural elements that can be fractured, be fused or simply to undergo abrasion or chemical corrosion and that at the same time by their excessive size cannot be transferred through the channels of the XOOGU are repaired of another form:
By means of NUUGII small complex equipment controlled by impulses is transferred (IT SEES NOTE 3) that they realise they themselves the repair in the same place where the failure took place.
The range of operations can be of great complexity and the repair equipment follow one another sequentially, planning their functions XANMOO XOOGUU. We see some of them:
This is the reason that many of the devices in all the equipment of Planet UMMO have a cylindrical disposition, (IMAGE C) (Note U-C: it lacks Image C) and its elements or components are distributed in the inner walls of the same. Its form allows the passage of the NUUGII that as well has access to any component among the distributed ones in the internal periphery.
All these operations are regulated and planned by the corresponding XANMOO. The crew of the UEWA we do not have to worry us about the multiple microfailures that each UIW takes place in any point of the Structure of the Ship. At the most we know properly tabuladas, “a posteriori” the frequencies whereupon those failures were verified. If its statistical distribution is abnormal it in the future considers for the new projects of design of structures and systems.
Back-Path-1; Back-Path-5; Back-Path-8
The elastic coefficients of the diverse structural zones of the UEWA can modify at every moment thanks to AYUBAA UYOALAADAA. The channels of this reticular vascular NETWORK contain a fluyente alloy that can be fused easily thanks to a chain of nuclei XAANIBOOA (IMAGE 11 (58)), that is distributed axially in the focal axes. These thermal radiators liquefy the mass of AALAADAA (it mixes crystallized of metals) located in their intern. The alloy is projected to own high elastic coefficient, under thermal conductivity and fusion point great. The conductors of the NETWORK are of elliptical circular section and according to the zones of the XOODINAA in which they are included.
SYSTEM NIIO ADOGOOI the mass of UEWA OEMM creates a gravitational Field that although not excessively intense, accelerates in some intragalactic regions by where it sails, whose densidad of cosmic dust is appreciable, particles of different nature that are going to crash against XOODINAA (CUBIERTA) causing in long periods and as a result of this continuous abrasion, an irreparable wearing down.
Our system NIIO ADOGOOI avoids that risk. The UOXOODINNAA (superficial Layer of the MEMBRANE) is provided of one finísima sub-layer (XOODINAADOO) (IMAGE A) integrated by finísimas emulsionadas Platinum colloidal particles in means of high dielectric coefficient.
Distributed by the periphery of the Ship, are the NIIO ADOUAXOO (CÉLULAS IONIZADORAS) that realise one double function: In the first place they evaluate the electrostatic gradients in the next surroundings of the UEWA. In case a great cosmic dust Nebula (solid Methane Particles, for example, or of Nickel-Iron, or Ammonia, or silicon etc.) surrounds to the Ship, it can happen that the particles are neutral (without electrical charge) or ionized (+ or -)
You suppose the first case: (NEUTRAL) the particles will be oriented towards the Ship because the gravitational gradient is favorable to this flow (IMAGE B)
Previously the detection systems that we have described to him elsewhere of the report, have registered the special densidad of these particles, their gravimetric phantom (that is to say the statistical distribution based on their masses and morphologies) their chemical composition and its electrostatic load average (Null in the case that occupies to us) as well as their function kinematics with respect to the emitting Galactic Nuclei of Reference. (Relative Speed of displacement and direction, coefficient of expansion of the Cloudy etc.)
All these data are analyzed in the central XANMOO bringing about the answer of NIIO ADOGOOI (SISTEMA OF PROTECCION ANTIABRASION) the generating ion cells (NIIO ADOUAXOO) emit electrons driven with high Energy that project in parabolic trajectories towards the outside. IMAGE C.
Simultaneously, the colloidal platinum membrane (XOODINNADOO) has loaded to an electrostatic potential that can reach values between 180,000 and 900,600 volts (potential negative) Any particle which it goes to the membrane (IMAGE B) with speed Or catches one at least or several electrons, coming from the flow emitted by the UEWA. The particle is ionized. As the gradient of electrical potential is very elevated near the ship, the electrical repulsion compensates so much the original kinetic energy of that one like the gravitational attractive force, so that the attacking particle is turned aside in its trajectory not establishing contact with the surface of the UOXODINAA.
In case the cosmic dust previously were ionized, the submembrane of platinum is electrified with identical load to the attacking NEBULA.
You who the XOODINAADOO is protected by another layer superior of the same product or ceramic material observes that the UOXOODINAA.
An indirect effect of charge transfer between the free surface of the membrane and the colloidal Platinum sub-layer, originates an emission photonics of the ceramic crust within the visible phantom for our retinas in waves of lengths in 612.68 terrestrial 596.9 emptiness milimicras and 602.34 or milimicras. This electroluminescence, is not brought about by electron impacts on the mass, but by the electric field generated by them to its passage by the translucent ceramic mass. An outer observer appreciates an intense luminosity, whose shade he depends on the emitted wavelength, oscillating between Green-yellowish until carmine. Not always these chromatic tones are the same, depending by all means on the chemical composition of the ceramic cover.
It does not have either to be attributed in all the cases, the luminosity of our UEWA OEMM visualized from far, to this electroluminescence. Sometimes the UOXOODINAA in their peripheral crust, is activated thermally until reaching a sufficiently high temperature so that it reaches the radiating level denominated by you Red-cherry. This is made for two reasons: To burn the oxygen deposited in its pores, and on the other to release to its surface of microorganisms and other organic rest, before leaving the Atmosphere with other destinies. This last measurement is integrated within the program of general asepsis of the Ship that precedes to Interplanetary Navigation. (The process receives the name of AIAIEDUNNEII we thus avoided to disturb ecological means of each OYAA with biological structures strangers in its origin, to the same.
The control of the electrostatic Potential in each superficial unit of the XOODINAADOO is projected in such a way that the charge distribution (electrostatic superficial densidad) can vary from surroundings to the other until the point of which in an area, the densidad as soon as it reaches tenth of microcoulomb, although it is surrounded by zones of potential very lifted. The potential function is not then constant for areas of the same curvature or warping, to sum up is not harmonic in the periphery of the Ship. Several are the reasons for which use becomes of this flexibility in the electrical charge distribution. In the first place the densidad of attacking particles is not identical in all the outer periphery, in addition as these go oriented in a direction (UYUUNOODII) (WIND OF COSMIC PARTICLES) naturally not all will affect with the same kinetic energy the Ship. The abrasion would be more intense than in other areas, in a defined zone, that will be to protect with a more intense potential.
In addition: The cancellation of load in precise areas, allows: Thanks to the indirect effect of electroluminescence, to make appear in any superficial zone of the Ship, visible drawings, symbols or graphisms at a distance modifying its morphology voluntarily with the same facility of a terrestrial slate writing. Finally the XANMOAYUBAA can happen that at a given moment the potential elevated one of a zone disturbs any measurement or analysis in UAXOO (TRANSDUCTOR) in functions, in which case annuls the extortionary surface loading.